Identis CET creates customer and employee engagement to build relationships, reduce costs and enable competitive advantages for innovative organisations.



What we do

We solve clients problems, change working practices and reduce costs through the implementation of Customer Engagement Technologies (CET)


Utilising state of the art Facial Recognition combined technologies to deliver productivity, customer service and efficiency gains whilst reducing costs. We provide turnkey solutions from consultancy, solution design and engineering, installation, commissioning, reporting and managed services.


Talk to us today about how these new technologies will disrupt your industry, before your competition does.

  • Customer service excellence
  • Customer and staff engagement technology (CET)
  • Security and access control
  • Marketing and Infotainment
  • Receptionless receptions

Products and Services


Customer engagement technology (CET)

This stand alone or networked, kiosk or screen based CET solution, can be configured to meet a client’s specific needs, with integration to databases and Outlook.

From a simple Avatar greeting clients and opening a door, to a fully integrated customer engagement solution that incorporates multiple applications, including security, time and attendance reporting, access control, POS marketing, Infotainment, VIP acknowledgment, personalized client offers, surveys or just about anything required.

Contact us today to find out how it may be able to save your company money and create a wow factor.



Identis recommends NEC NeoFace Watch for wide area applications like sports arenas, education campuses, and shopping precincts.  Designed for real-time video surveillance, offline video face search and high volume photo face search, it can be integrated with other systems using the Neoface Watch API.  Neoface is the fastest and most accurate wide area facial recognition solution available on the market today, as measured in independent tests (National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST)









NEC’s face recognition is independently recognized as the fastest and most accurate face recognition software on the market.  NEC’s NeoFace® acquired top rank in FRVT2013, an independent test conducted by the U.S. Government


The tests position NEC’s face recognition software as the most accurate face recognition software even with low quality images. Independent tests also demonstrate that NEC provides the fastest matching capability that is the most resistant to variants in angle, age and race.


Through the utilisation of a unique matching face detection method, NeoFace provides high speed and high accuracy for facial detection and facial features extraction. NEC’s face recognition relies on a modified Generalized Learning Vector Quantization (GLVQ) algorithm. GLVQ is not easily fooled by attempts to conceal identity through the usage of caps, hats or sunglasses.


Identis can provide an overview of FR technologies, including solution design, implementation and operation of systems. Understanding any limitations of the technology, environmental considerations such as lighting and image capture requirements, as well as designing processes behind operational imperatives. Risk analysis, security of data, as well as privacy laws and public perception management are all required before a decision is made to use the technology. Understanding the applications for a business, the business case for such an investment, along with change management opportunities as part of corporate change programs.

Identis can provide expert help in all these areas, and has access to global leaders in each area should they be required.




Our values underpin everything we do at Identis, these aren’t just words, we recruit and reward people who live and work by these values. As a client, you can expect anyone from Identis who works with you to exemplify these behaviours.


 • Respect for individuals and their differences, the environment, treat all with openness, fairness and honesty. We do not tolerate racism, bullying, selfishness, harassment, rudeness or any other form of disrespect.



 • We are always accountable for our action or our failure to act - no excuses. We will always work in the best interests of our clients, staff, the environment and our community. We guard against breaches of privacy, confidence, trust and misconduct.



 • We try to support and help each other at all times, communicate openly – readily sharing information and ideas in order to better serve our clients whilst all contributing to create a fun and happy work environment.



 • We look for new ways of delivering value to our clients, constantly improving ourselves. We strive to perfect our processes and knowledge, to drive change and capitalise on new opportunities. We strive for industry 'best practice’ in the way we protect client information and the way we share our information and insights.


Hospitality - Hotel/Motel Solutions:


 • Guest, staff and contractor access control automatically Via facial recognition.

 • Create a time-based entry model for different visitors

 • Guest acknowledgment and greeting – Wow factor

 • Seven day a week 24-hour reception, reception-less reception for out of hours, reduces staff costs, as well as staffing levels and daytime productivity gains

 • Standalone Kiosk type application at each entrance or lift well

 • Cloud based management/multi-site databases

 • Services agreement to update database and reporting

 • Expandable database/licensing

 • High quality Avatar/screen personality encompassing non-threatening, fun engagement, human like mannerisms, human like emotion changes

 • Option to customise Avatar, Speech, Speech recognition – Rules based actions

 • Connection to internet – for ‘Siri’ like engagement

 • Database look up – outlook etc.

 • Watch list/security features, create a log of all people arriving and leaving, Lone staff/night worker security

 • Visitor badge printing (image capture of unknown visitors)

 • Stop unknown or banned people from entering, create an alarm to a security contact

 • Create an announcement to the guest of an arriving visitor

 But Without

 • Expensive staffing/ training, complex technology, Customer intrusion, or capital expenditure


Industry Solutions:


• Employee, Contractor and visitor access control automatically via facial recognition. Visitor greeting in another language

 • Watch list/security features

 • Create a log of all people arriving and leaving

 • Stop unknown or banned people from entering

 • Create an alarm to a security point of contact

 • Lone staff/night worker security

 • Reception-less reception in hostile or difficult environments, or out of hours, reduces staff costs, as well as staffing levels leading to productivity gains

 • Seven day a week 24-hour reception.

 • Visitor badge printing (image capture of unknown visitors)

 • Create a time based entry model for different visitors

 • Create security with Watch list/banned, persons of interest

 • Time and attendance records

 • Standalone Kiosk type application at each entrance

 • Cloud based management/multi-site databases

 • Services agreement to update database and reporting

 • Expandable database/licensing

 • High quality Avatar/screen personality encompassing non-threatening/Fun engagement, human like mannerisms, human like emotion changes

 • Option to customise Avatar, Speech, Speech recognition – Rules based actions

 • Connection to internet – for ‘Siri’ like engagement

 • Database look up – outlook etc.

But Without

 • Expensive staffing/training, complex technology, staff input, capital expenditure

Retail Solutions:


 • VIP customer acknowledgement and special offer delivery/opt in for rewards membership schemes. Watch list/security features.

 • Auto checkout with card payment for VIP members

 • Staff greeting and access control stock rooms

 • Greetings to all customers and store information

 • Stop unknown or banned people from entering, with database of shop lifters

 • Create an alarm to a security point of contact, rules based actions.

 • Database look up – allows customer history to be displayed on a mobile device etc.

 • Targeted marketing on wall boards

 • Standalone Kiosk type application and wall boards at each entrance

 • Cloud based management/multi-site databases

 • Services agreement to update database and reporting

 • Expandable database/licensing

 • High quality Avatar/screen personality encompassing non-threatening / fun engagement with human like mannerisms and emotion changes

 • Option to customise Avatar, store image, Speech, Speech recognition – Rules based actions

 • Connection to internet – for ‘Siri’ like engagement

 • Visitor badge printing (image capture of unknown visitors)

But Without

 • Expensive staffing/training, complex technology, staff input, customer intrusion and capital expenditure.


Aged Care Solutions


• Resident staff and visitor access control automatically Via facial recognition.
- Frees up staff from opening doors all the time, and greets visitors/families with a personal message.

 • Blocks exit of ‘wandering’ residents

 • Family of resident’s acknowledgment/greeting and access control, and create an announcement to the staff or resident.

 • Lone staff/night worker security

 • Reception-less reception for out of hours, reduces staff costs, as well as staffing levels and daytime productivity gains.

 • Create a time/rules based entry model for different visitors

 • Seven day a week extended hour reception.

 • Standalone Kiosk type application at each entrance

 • Cloud based management /multi-site databases

 • Services agreement to update database and reporting

 • Expandable database/licensing

 • High quality Avatar/screen personality encompassing:

Non-threatening/Fun engagement

Human like mannerisms

Human like emotion changes

 • Option to customise Avatar, Speech, Speech recognition – Rules based actions

 • Connection to internet – for ‘Siri’ like engagement

 • Database look up – outlook etc.

 • Visitor badge printing (image capture of unknown visitors)

 • Create a log of all people arriving and leaving

 • Stop unknown or banned people from entering, and create an alarm to a security point of contact

But Without

 • Expensive staffing/training, Complex hardware, Resident input, Intrusion, Capital expenditure



Fast Food Solutions


 • Customer recognition by face, for VIP and membership rewards schemes

 • Database lookup last meal ordered/favorite order, add change from menu. Rules based actions (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) Card payment gateway – speed up ordering

 • Customer greeting and acknowledgment.

 • Lone staff/night worker security

 • Standalone Kiosk type application

 • Cloud based management/multi-site databases for continuity

 • Services agreement to update database and reporting

 • Expandable database /licensing

 • High quality Avatar/screen personality encompassing. non-threatening/Fun engagement with human like mannerisms and emotion changes

 • Option to customise Avatar, to meet corporate ideal, speech, Speech recognition – rules based actions

 • Watch list /security features for banned persons, alarm to a security point of contact

 • Create a log of all people arriving and leaving

But Without

 • Expensive staffing /training, complex technology, staff input, customer intrusion or high capital expenditure


Offices Solutions


• Employee, Contractor and visitor access control automatically Via facial recognition. Visitor greeting in another language.

 • Reception-less reception on every floor in multi-story offices, or out of hours - reduces staff  levels leading to cost savings

 • Watch list / security features

 • Create a log of all people arriving and leaving

 • Stop unknown or banned people from entering offices

 • Create an alarm to a security point of contact

 • Seven day a week 24-hour reception / Access control

 • Visitor badge printing (image capture of unknown visitors)

 • Create a time-based entry model for different visitors

 • Create security with Watch list / banned, persons of interest

 • Time and attendance records

 • Standalone Kiosk type application at each entrance

 • Cloud based management / multi-site databases

 • Services agreement to update database and reporting

 • Expandable database / licensing

 • High quality Avatar / screen personality encompassing non-threatening / Fun engagement, human like mannerisms, human like emotion changes

 • Option to customise Avatar, Speech, Speech recognition – Rules based actions

 • Connection to internet – for ‘Siri’ like engagement

 • Database look up – outlook etc.


  But Without

 • Expensive staffing / training, complex technology, staff input, capital expenditure


Identis CET, uses NEC Neoface Welcome

M: +61419527715



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Technology Partner

Identis CET, uses NEC Neoface Welcome

M: +61419527715

Engineering Customer Experience Excellence